Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Happy Wednesday!

Wow. . .it's the middle of the week already....geesh! So let's get this party started. I am feeling so alive right now, (LOL)maybe it has to do with this up beat music I'm listening to right now! Anyone who knows me, knows that I write to music, so I am grooving something serious right now! LOL....

I am pumped! So I wanna share with you, what is keeping me pumped. I am on a mission to RAISE MY LEVEL!! So I make sure I do 3 things every Wednesday...

1. Prayer
2. Exercise

So on today I am listening to Mr +Willie Whitehead Jr.  as he talks about RAISING YOUR LEVEL! Ok guys...this guy knows a little something about that, because he had a successful NFL Career, and we all know that is the National Football League, and I would dare say they are some of our Peak Athletic performers in the world physically, as well as mentally. So I really enjoy what he has to say, because he knows first hand about performing at a high level!

So I challenged myself today to go a little harder. Instead of my usual Zumba, and walk.... I jogged today and did I did "INSANITY"! GOOD GOD! LOL. . . But...I did it!

So let's all do things with a little more intensity today , with a little more heart, a little more passion. We deserve it!

Give your best in all that you do, if not for anyone else but YOURSELF. Your body can take it, your mind can handle it. You were made to perform at peak level.. So let's get it in folks!

So Check out My Great friend, you can see him here in his powerful message WILL YOUR WAY TO WINNING WEDNESDAY

Let's get pumped Beauties and Gents....

As always. . . .

Inspirational Beauty!

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 Follow Willie Whitehead's Blog and check out his exciting message here

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