The Inspirational Corner is a place to feel special, unique and EMPOWERED!
So let me inspire you, and show you how to have better relationships with yourself and those around you. To truly be empowered you must learn to believe in yourself.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
What A Real Man Looks Like!
Happy Tuesday People!
I hope everyone is doing great! I have had a fantastic Labor day, eating, resting, and more eating!! LOL! Anyway, you all know I love to share my thoughts, opinions, and insights when it comes to inspiring, relationships, beauty, and Business( yeah, that pretty much covers it...LOL)
Anywhoo...One of the biggest things I love to speak about is RELATIONSHIPS, but not the same ol'HOW TO FIND A MAN" HOW TO FIND A WOMAN" bull... any of us can do that, and sometimes it's a hit or miss. But...I do believe I can share some tips to make it easier if that is what you're looking for, but my inspiration is more inline with helping us understand one anther as MEN and WOMEN , and to be able to better appreciate one another.
I often speak to lots of people when itcomes to relationships...so YES I have been writing a book, and its gonna be FUN and UPLIFTING, and I hope you all get something out of it. But the crazy thing is I wrote the book, becauseMEN WERE THANKING ME!
Men felt like I understood them, and that I could explain in insightful, yet humorous ways how they felt about things..... So MEN are the reason I took on this challenge(sorry Ladies)... But not to worry, you will gain major insight into what our Men need, want, and desire to have a fulfilled satisfying relationship with YOU! Also ...Ladies, I am going to break it down for them as well! You know I got you!! LOLOL...
So anyway, my dear friend, Shawn
Hill the Author of "The Single Black Woman's Guide To Dating"will be
sharing with us WHAT A"REAL MAN" LOOKS LIKE on his radio show tonight. We will be getting the
perspective from four Men, so clear your schedule tonight so you can
listen to tonight's show...(9 pm eastern/8pm central)Should be quite
interesting! Yes Ladies and gents...I will be listening as well, and talk with me, and give me your thoughts!
So. .if you don't listen, you will miss out on an opportunity to hear what Men have to say! Don't worry gentelmen, they will be honest,and they will represent you well!!!
As always. . .Love you guys from the inside out!
Inspirational beauty!
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