Whew! I just finished an amazzzzzzing WORKOUT AND IT KICKED MY BUTT!! Well, I kinda deserved it, because I ate like I was on DEATH ROW this weekend. I don't know what happened! Maybe with all the events I attended this week, and all the excitement I felt free to eat like a hog....lol
So this weekend I was a hostess at an amazing event, and Live recording with a young gentlemen who is a Saxophonist by the name of Detriech Lawson, and it was such a blessed event, and like usual I was in rare form with all of the smiling, laughing, and impromptu inspiration! Here we are below, with the young man to "your left" . It was his debut, and everyone came out to support him, and show the love and excitement they have for him. As a matter of fact I believe his CD can be purchased at
www. DeitrickLawson.com If you love gospel music and love live instruments, it would be right up your alley!
Now of corse the handsome gentlemen to "your right" is actually Dr Ludie Hoffman, whois a great friend, and the Creator of the event. We had such a wonderful time. Ok, so you may also recognize him from this photo as well...,
He we are in rare form on our Television show MAKING IT GREAT!! It's always a great time when we get together. So make sure you continue to tune in on Roku daily to see what we are doing.(smile)We are number four in the NETWORK!!
(Tune in to see this weeks show wi th an exclusive Interview in Making It Great with Retired Police Chief Leon Frazier)
So now that I've shared a little bit about this weekend, I hope that you did something that brought you some type of happiness, joy, peace, or relaxation , or even excitement.
So I was thinking what I wanted to share with you all today, and while I Was working out... It Hit me!! Almost like a ton of bricks. Why are all these folks working out?
Is it because of health, vanity, or even both? So I looked around , and saw that a lot of people were really attractive outwardly, but I must admit that's not what hooks me. I fall in love with the inside, and I'm not just saying that. Anyone who knows me personally can attest that my relationships have not been with BODY BUILDERS....Literally....lol
So if most of us are not body builders, but want to be more attractive, then what can we do to achieve this? Well I have come up with......
1. This is very simple and it supposed to be . First things first .....Simply SMILE!!!! A smile is something that we all can do, and it doesn't take much effort, but it takes your level of attractiveness up through the roof! I smile all day, everyday, and I guess it's just a habit now. Smiling creates an easy going atmosphere to those around you, and attracts the opposite sex. You don't have to be the most beautiful woman walking, or the most "buff" dude in the room, but if you smile from your heart, you will actually begin to LOOK MORE ATTRACTIVE..... JUST LOOK AT MY WIDE ONE RIGHT HERE.....
So as you can see, it makes me look as though I'm actually happy, and who doesn't want to be around someone happy. It makes my eyes look bright, and makes me look as though I'm ready for whatever's next, and I must say, it gives my TEETH SOMETHING TO DO! I don't brush those babies for nothing...lol. SMILING MAKES YOU MORE ATTRACTIVE IN FIVE MINUTES OR LESS.
2. Walk With Pep In Your Step(Walk with Intention)
Ok.... My grandmother used to always say" If a man has a nice pace, and he walks like he has somewhere to go, that's a man you should follow" . Ok so let me break this down. I believe my grandmother was saying that , when you walk with your head held high, and your posture is straight it shows the world you are here, and you are ready for whatever comes your way. It's SEXY!! It actually makes you more attractive to those who see you. I am a small woman, but walk with a nice fast pace, with my head high, a bright smile, and WALK WITH INTENTION. A "WALK "CAN MAKE YOU MORE ATTRACTIVE IN FIVE MINUTES OR LESS. Whether fast or slow, make it your own, and remember to always use your smile and eye contact, and everyone will look your way!
That leads me to number three
We have all heard it before, and it will never change. Confidence is a main ingredient to being more attractive. It works for anyone, at anytime, and at any situation. There are so many people that are more beautiful, more intelligent, and more humorous than I am,but I am confident enough in myself, because there is room for all of us. When others can see you exhibit this behavior you automatically become the MOST ATTRACTIVE PERSON IN THE ROOM! Trust me, it is something that we all have been given, we just need to bring it to the forefront.
So there you have it.
1. Smile.
2. Walk with Intention
3.Show Your Confidence
Now this may sound too good to be true, but actually it's not. Just take a moment to look around you, and see people using these simple techniques all around you. So get out there and show the world who you are!!! Remember. I love you, and don't forget to subscribe, share, and comment.
As always....
Inspirational Beauty
Writer, Author, Life and Empowerment Coach, Speaker, Mentor, Radio and Tv Host. To find out more about Kimbelry Arrington and her platforms please follow at inspirebeauty40 on social media, or contact her at info@Iammeuniversity.com or Inspirationalbeauty40@gmail.com Get ready for her highly anticipate book in RELATIONSHIPS CO ING SOON(Title will be revealed in the next two weeks)
Cast of #Simply Ib along with Inspirational Beauty this Wednesday to discuss the presdientiial election and how it will affect you. Wenesday, March 2nd at 8 pm eastern. Dial 845-241-9898 or listen at www.blogtalkradio.com/Iammeradio
Join Kim and Vince on Saturdays at 11 am eastern. Go www.blogtalkradio.com/Iammeradio.com or dial 845-241-9898
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