The Inspirational Corner is a place to feel special, unique and EMPOWERED!
So let me inspire you, and show you how to have better relationships with yourself and those around you. To truly be empowered you must learn to believe in yourself.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
is something to be said about a man that came over 2000 years ago that
Humanity still talks about.. .It doesn't matter that you believe in him
or not, that is not my concern. I understand that "Mankind" needs reason
for most things that take place in his or her life, but I also realize
that "REASON" does not stop anything or anyone from existing. I love the
arrogance of Mankind sometime's, we
actually believe that it is "OUR" belief that cause's all CREATION
without any assistance.
I suggest that is was the BELIEF of the Creator,
that allowed us to exist. Even with our collective intelligent mind, we
didn't not create anything that can stand the test of time. Everything
that I have ever created, will one day wash away. But there is a LOVE
that is unseen that will stand, even when the EARTH is no more, that
LOVE saved us, gave us SALVATION, and the biggest tragedy in life is not
the Poor soul who fails to become rich, or fails to live their dream,
or find their true love, but the Truest tragedy in life is walking
through life truly alone, not understanding who he or she is, through
it's CREATOR! So....I was talking to a couple of people yesterday asking for a little help. I
was about to record a PODCAST to help give some practical daily tips to
improve self esteem...something we all could use. So anyway, after
talking to different folks I started thinking, the reason I believe in
myself the way I do, has nothing to actually do with ME!(I know that
sounds strange right?!)But just follow me for a sec...LOL
What I
mean is this. . . . I don't pump myself up with positive affirmations
everyday, that eventually will get old, and what do you have to anchor
those affirmations in?
For some people it works , and others,
they cant seem to really believe it! Affirmations alone will not do it,
for people who really have issues with SELF WORTH. But, what I realized
is, that I believe what GOD SAYS ABOUT ME!
I believe him when he says that I AM WONDERFULLY AND FEARFULLY MADE, that he took thought, and time when he made me. . . . HE MEANT THAT FOR YOU TOO!
You see, I realize, that if the very spirit that gave me life said these things about me...it has to be TRUTH!
So now my affirmation has an anchor, it has something that it can be directed back to...that is TRUTH!
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