It's been a minute....well a little longer than a minute since I've come to you, but I have some pretty good reasons, and they all involve me getting BIGGER.....BETTER AND READY TO GIVE YOU MORE!!
Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I must admit I have really missed you.(smile) Now I know that I still connect with a lot of you through Social media, but it's nothing like blogging, which is my absolute favorite. So I promise you that I am back at least twice a week!:-)
So.... Where have I been? Honey, let me tell you, this "Inspirational Beauty" has been doing things! Lol.
My life has been taking all types of twists and turns and I must say that I have leaned a lot in a very short amount of time, and I'm still learning. The biggest thing in my life is my New Television show!!!!! Yeah baby! I am officially the hostess of a great show called "Making It Great" on a wonderful Network(E F N Network) and we are currently NUMBER FOUR IN A BASKET OF 350 shows!! It has been a blessing to add this to everything else that I'm already doing.
You know what's funny? I'm really enjoying the long hours, the grueling schedules along with being in front of the camera, not because I necessarily deserve to be there, but because I get to come to you in person where you can see me finally. It makes me feel like I'm closer to you than I was before than when I just speak to you through my words, or even through radio. I feel truly blessed. I've also been doing more and more writing, and guess what? Getting ready to release a couple of books that you guys have beenwaiting on!!!! Yayyyy!! (Check me out on Roku Or Vimeo for MAKING IT GREAT)
Why am I sharing this with you? I want you to get ready to go to the next level with me, you have been there since I wrote my very first blog, and before. So much has happened in my life since that time. So you know me, I'm very introspective, and I wanted to help you become more successful and fulfilled in your life. So what better way that to share with you THREE THINGS THAT ALL SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE HAVE IN COMMON. Now of course there are more, but for the sake of today's blog I wanted to just give you some very simple tools and things to think about, so let's get to it y'all!
Three Things That All Successful People Have In Common
1. All successful people Have The Ability to See What's Missing and Make It Appear
So usually this is described as VISION, but I wanted to say it another way. You see we all have this ability, but the difference between those that can't seem to grasp success like those who do is the level of belief and Consitency in this area.
Highly successful people make this apart of their lifestyle. They constantly look to create solutions. They understand that they are problem solvers. This can be in the workplace, an organization and even in personal achievement. This is important because this allows them to keep their creative juices flowing, keeps them sharp, and the more you do anything, the better you become. So take on is attribute, and begin to look for what's not there, and Create a clear vision, and make sure it has the element of PROBLEM SOLVING.
2. All Highly Successful People Have The Ability To Influence and Lead Others
Now without going to deep, we all influence someone, whether good or bad, and whether intentionally or not. The difference between no intentional "influence" and strategic influence is the ability to have others believe in themselves, and to believe in them as the one to lead.
They understand that they are powerful, but they are a force when they build others. Some may think you either have this ability or you don't, but all LEADERS are not born. Most Leaders are created, so that means we all have a chance. Great leaders know that it takes a team to make things happen. It is a cocktail of inspiration, motivation, and strategic planning, and clear objectives for each individual, and to be able to transfer that belief to others. This is key. So if you want to be highly successful understand that building others and teaching others is a direct compliment to who you are as a leader.
3. All Higly Successful People Are Intentional In Their Goals.
Ok so here we go, I love this because we all can do this. Let's just say that if you are trying to lose weight, you probably won't lose much if you are not clear on The amount, the timeframe and why! So now the goal is general at best, and when you have general goals, you will have general success.
So why is it important to be intentional?
This will allow you to have a clear pathway to what you really want.
Example:A successful person who will hit their goal with set up up like this.
" I will lose 25 pounds by March 31st 2016 by eating fruits and vegatlbes three times a day, drinking eight glasses of water a day, and exercising five times a week. I will then weigh myself every Saturday."
As apposed to I want to lose 25 pounds this year. What?!!! How is that a goal? There are too many unanswered questions and variables left on the table. So the key to being successful in your goals is to be INTENTIONAL!!!
So these are just three things. I want you to take look into your own lives right now and assess to see where you are. Everything that I've done in the past three years have been very intentional, and that has allowed me to reach my goals in life. Most of you know that in that time I've taken my writing and formed several careers from it. I Ghostwrite for others, as well as writing on my own as well as Tv, Radio, Speaking Coaching and Consulting. With each opportunity I sat down and wriote out why I wanted to do those things, and most importantly I reached out to those who were willing to provide advice to help me along the way. I invested in myself, and I looked at my natural gifts , talents and skill see what made sense form life. MY PURPOSE WAS THE MAIN INGREDIENT .In the next blog we will focus on WHY ITS IMPORTANT TO FOLLOW YOUR PURPOSE
So I hope at this has been helpful, please make sure you share, comment and subscribe to the blog if you find it helpful. Sometimes you will get Inspiration,motivation, Relationship advice, Beauty tips and things that will help you get better in life., or just me telling you what's going on with me......
So until next time Luvs.....
As always.....
Inspirational Beauty!
Oh.... And new website coming soon!!! If you want to reach out to me to see what services I offer, please email Follow @Inspirebeauty40 through social media and @Iammeradio. To catch radio shows please visit. To catch Tv show p,ease go to Roku look up The Eternal Friends Network and look for MAKING IT GREAT.
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