Thursday, August 8, 2013


 Happy Thursday Beauties!

 So ....this was a question that was presented to me, and after really thinking about it, I wanted to take my time. I was going to write about it earlier, (smile), but I wanted you to really grasp what I was saying, and where I was coming from, so I decided to take my time with this.

This is a delicate situation for most, but it's like anything else, it is a learned be havior in my opinion, and we don't have to hate or be jealous of anyone. I am a Woman, and it baffles me, that the very thing that I am, I am taught to distrust, to hate, to scheme on, to reject. If that is not the most ignorant way of thinking.....I don't know what  is.

So let's see what I think, and what other's have shared with me, let's get to it Ladies!

So where did this come from? Has it always been this way? Did we create this way of thinking as Human's? Better yet, did we "FEMALES" create it? These are the questions I asked of myself.

Well, let me start by saying this, anytime anyone "HATES" on anybody it has to do with their own insecurities, and what they believe they can or cannot have, so instead of celebrating that other person,they reject them with no logical basis! Why? Because we actually believe that give's us an excuse not to have the thing, the looks, or the accomplishments in our own lives, instead of giving that other person their credit!

 We think it somehow gets us off the hook if somehow we can find fault in another! That is a "VICTIM MENTALITY" My success or lack their of, doesn't take anything away from you, it only goes to show, if I can do it, you can too! That is a "VICTOR'S" Mentality!

God has given all of us a measure of everything. There are others who are smarter than me, more physically attractive than me, has more money, more talent in certain areas, but that is ok. They have their gifts for a reason, just like I have mine. Find your purpose as a Woman, as a Human, and you will begin to think differently,

Now we all know this is nothing new! Some women have always been jealous, angry, negative, and distrusting of other females. But what concerns me, is that we not only know its a way of thinking, but we accept it as the standard.

Mostly when Females "Hate" on one another, it has no logical basis, versus Men, when they"HATE" on one another, it is usually in a competitive arena, if it is for any other reason, they are subjected to be called Weak, Punk, and any other derogatory name, because they understand that HATING on another just for the sake of it, doesn't make any sense!

Usually Women hate each other for two things....
1. Looks
2.The affections or attention of a Man

Ok. . .so , there is no sense for being mad at another female because of her looks. She is a combination of genes from her parents, she had nothing to do with it, just like none of us did.... she is trying to look the best she can, just like we all should. That is not a reason to be upset with her. So many people hate on Beyonce, but yet they want to look like her!
Secondly... we are upset if Men are showing attention to another Woman...let me explain something, there is nothing that any of us can do when A MAN is interested in another Woman, for WHATEVER reason,. Men like different Women, at different times, for different reasons, and we need to understand that. It doesn't make you less than, if he is not noticing you...find someone who does! Do not waste your time being mad at another female because she is with someone you like. If he like's you, he will be with you., and if he can't make up his mind, then you make up YOUR MIND!
She is not your enemy just because she is a Female, she wants the same thing you want. If you find yourself in this situation, you are not dealing with a Mature Man...PERIOD! 

Now, please understand, that I am not naive, not by a long shot, but I do understand that most of how we view dealing with other's is through life experiences, and these things are fostered by what was learned at home, your community, and what you indulge in like(TV,AND POPULAR MUSIC).

I was raised by a Mother who loved being a Woman, and she had a loving relationship with her Mother, grandmother,sisters, and Aunts, so that's what I saw, so part of why I see Women as friends is becasue of what I was exposed to. I understand that all females didn't get this early on, they had mother's who were upset at the female who had an affair with their husband, or they hated their sisters, or their mother's left them, So I know this helped add flames to the fire. So hell NO, they don't trust Women, they have heard since they were little, how "Auntie Bee took Uncle Lee", and how every other Woman in the church was jealous of them, so this is passed on, and on, and on.
But let me say this...MEN ARE RESPONSIBLE TOO!

Why do we give a pass to Men, when we pass much judgement on our very own?(huh) I love Men, but they have no idea what it is to be a WOMAN.. ..Only another Woman can understand me, and my complexities, why would I want to hate the very person who understands me on the deepest level?
No matter when you picked up this way of thinking, don't let others tell you that all WOMEN can't be trusted. If that were true I wouldn't be here today writing to you. It was a Woman, that saw my gift, and pushed me to go for it. I am a WOMAN pushing YOU! I Love being a Woman, and I love being a part of this club called WOMAN HOOD. Let's love one another, let's push each other to greatness, let's support one another. Stop thinking the worse about one another. Choose all of your friends wisely, not just WOMEN, but MEN TOO! 

God has given all of us a measure of everything. There are others who are smarter than me, more physically attractive than me, has more money, more talent in certain areas, but that is ok. They have their gifts for a reason, just like I have mine. Find your purpose as a Woman, as a Human, and you will begin to think differently.

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As always. . . Love you guys from the inside out..

Inspirational beauty.

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