Saturday, May 16, 2015

3 Indicators to know when it's time to make a life change

It's Saturday Luvs!!!

Wow, I am up at 5 am, and I have officially been up for 24 hours. This is crazy right?! Well, I figured since I'm up, I should take full advantage of it. So I thought, what the heck, I'm gonna write! So if you're up to. Then I don't feel so bad.(smile)

You know this is a great time of the year, it's May and  we are already at the half way mark of 2015! So I started thinking about my plans, and goals for the remainder of the year, and I realized that there were some areas in my life that are constantly moving, no expanding, while there are other areas that won't move at all. I wonder if you have ever felt that way. 

Well, last week, my Cohost  and I did a show on Man Talk 101 (catch last weeks show on where we shared " How To Know When It's Time To Make A Life Change" it's was really cool, because we shred some great tips and advice with our listeners no supporters, so I decided to share a few here.

First of ll let me say this if you are HUMAN THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU! Why? All of us at one time or another, need to make a change in life. If we don't we will not grow, and therefore never evolve into who we are destined to be. So below I will shares a few indicators to let you know when it's time to MOVE!!

Are you ready?

Let's Goooooo....

1.If you no longer have passion for your life.

2. If you constantly romanticize your past .

3.if you have not created or reached any new goals

Ok let's start with number one. A sure indicator to know that it's time to make a life change is when you have lost passion in your life. In this instance, use your emotions as your guide to find out why you have lost passion. It could be that you may need to  add something new to your relationship, job or opportunity, or it may mean that you need to MAKE A COMPLETE CHANGE. Whatever the end result may be, use this emotion to see where you need to make this change.Once you identify what the problem is, now you are on your way to regain that passion.

Ok, number two. If you find that you are constantly talking about your past, and are depressed thinking about your present or future, this is an indicator that it is time to MAKE A CHANGE. When you are stuck in  your past you cannot grow, and when you don't grow, your potential to learn and discover new things are not being used. You know the saying.... WHAT YOU DONT USE.... YOU WILL LOSE. So understand that your living is in the present. Step out and try something new, go back to school, take a dance class, learn. New language. There is a lot of living you can do right now.

And finally.... Number three. the way we are created as humans is very unique. We have the ability to think ahead, to plan to have goals, to have visions. It is an aspect that makes life so wonderful for most of us. A true indicator that it's time to make a life change is IF YOU HAVE NOT CREATED OR REACHED ANY NEW GOALS. Life, once again is lived best when we are reaching for something. When we are learning, no sharing, and being productive. 


So if you are  witnessing some of these indicators in your own life, don't get upset or even frustrated. Just use this as a sign that it is time to change something or MAKE A LIFE CHANGE.

I hope this has helped a little bit. I sure helped me. So byway, I better get a little sleep. I have a Radio show to be on this morning, so I better get my BEAUT REST.(smile)

See  yall on Man Talk 101 todays at 11 am eastern. Call in to hear us at 845-241-9898 or listen at blogtalk 



Inspirational Beauty

To learn more about how I can help in Business and Relationships, or to contact me for Speaking, Radio,magazine or Television Interviews please send inquiries to Please follow at Inspirebeauty40.

Join Man Talk 101 Saturday's at 11 am eastern with Kim and Vince. Call into 845-241-9898 or listen live or catch all podcasts at

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