Its been quite a while since we've spoken here, and I really miss you.(smile) I'm sitting here typing, and looking out the window, and its really beautiful outside here in the "A"(Atlanta, Georgia for those of you not familiar). As most of you know, I just love my music. So you know 'I'm listening to Kanye West right now getting in my zone.
You know, the crazy thing is that music is such a major influence in my life, that I really could have my very own sound track.(REAL TALK) When I sit down to write and share my thoughts I GET IN MY ZONE!!
So much has gone on in the past year fam, I dont even know where to start, so I will catch you up to date slowly(LOLOL) To sum it up, I am the Host of 2 Radio shows I AM ME RADIO and MAN TALK 101) and a "Relationship Expert"with The Morning Glory" with Minister Kim and Friends and I get to live out my dream as a DJ!!!! Well not really, my Producer handles that, but a girl can dream(smile). So to sum things up, God has really blessed me greatly in the past year, but enough about me. (smile)
Lets talk about why I don't want you to be alone when you're going through difficult times in your life. Its simple. You are important to someone in this world, and when you are facing a storm it is easy to get sucked into a world wind when you don't have someone to help guide you through.
I know yall. I have gone through storms in my life, and they were so painful that all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball cry and sleep, and a lot of days I did just that,.but let me tell you, that after realizing that my life was passing by, I HAD TO STAND A SAY......
I felt depression coming on, my days and nights started to look the same. Until one day I heard a whisper that said YOU ARE NOT ALONE. YOU MATTER. The voice was so loving and kind, that I didn't want to stop hearing it. That's when I knew I had to be around others that would pour into me until I could get stronger. They would love me and encourage me when I couldn't do it for myself. They guarded me when I was the most weak. They stood on their post. They shielded me from anything that would come to take ME OUT!!!!
You cant face hard times alone. Its not meant for you to baby. We are human, and we need one another. If you continue to do it alone, you wont have an anchor to pull you back up. I will use an example that I use while teaching the ladies at I AM ME UNIVERSITY. Here goes....
"When the Lion and his pride are on the open plains, and looking for their prey they are very strategic on who they are targeting. They are looking for the young, the old, and the weak. Not because they taste better, but simply because they are easy to pick off, with less hassle.. But at the same time, the Gazelle has to be just as strategic. They understand that they will be attacked, so they place the young, old and weak in the middle of the herd. They place the strongest, fastset,more confident on the sides, front and back to pull the anchor. They do this to insure the safety of their most vulnerable. If not ,they make the LIONS JOB THAT MUCH EASIER! Don't go alone..... herd up. There is safety in numbers." Ibeauty
I wanted to share that lesson with you because that is why I am here. I am here to STAND GUARD. To help you when you're down, when you're weak, when you dont know what to do. I got you. I am Inspirational Beauty, and I believe that I am here to Inspire the Beauty that is within you so that you can go on another day. You can do it baby, but DO NOT DO IT ALONE!!! Reach out, or the Lion will be waiting to DEVOUR.
So whatever you do, I want you to always maintain contact with someone who loves you, or who cares about you. They are the light that you need to move forward. It can get dark and ugly at times because you can get so down in our thoughts, but if you do, you run the risk of going deeper. when you feel that way,so I want you to say to yourself. I MATTER.... I AM IMPORTANT and I DESERVE TO LIVE.
I will be waiting for you. I need you. ok! So until next "Blog" I hope that you enjoy your wonderful Friday and remember don't FACE HARD TIMES ALONE! See you for tomorrows show on MANT TALK 101(Saturday Radio show) show starts at 11 am, we will be discussing "Interracial Dating and Marriages" with my amazing Cohost Vincent. K Harris. The show should be interesting. Call 845-241-9898 to hear on your phone, or click the link on blogtalkradio.com/IAMMERADIO (smile)See you there.
Love ya!!!
As always...
Inspirational Beauty!
To contact me directly to learn how I can help in Business and Relationships for Speaking or Radio, Magazine and Television interviews please email meListen to I AM ME RADIO every Wedesday ay 8pm eastern with "The Beauties"
Come learn how to become a "Beauty" today of I AM ME University
ManTalk101 Saturdays at 11 am with "The Softer Side and "The Man Of The House
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