Wednesday, August 14, 2013



How do we handle when Our Friend is doing well and we are not? Man...this is something most of us are probably uncomfortable dealing with, but if we tell the TRUTH. . .this is REAL!

It's hard when you have a friend or a sibbling who seems to be successful , and you are drowning! For those of you who are on top,  you may not understand this dynamic, but I will be honest with you, most of my life I have been pretty content, and most of my circle(friends and family) seemed to be doing the same, or even better. So it was not an issue for me then. I couldn't relate on how other's could "LOGICALLY" be jealous of someone that they were close to.

Well, let me be real...there have been times in my life, where I have fallen from Grace, and you fall so low sometimes, that anything someone does seems to be better than what you can do(at least thats how you see it). Their relationship is GREAT..yours is terrible! They are going on Vacations to Paris, you are eating Ramen noodles, they are constantly progressing in life, and you are constantly loosing at life.

All of a sudden, because you are so hurt,and devastated, you become angry, and you don't know why this is happening to you! You see the ones closest to you gettin' it...... Depression sets in, and you feel like your life is a MISTAKE!

All of your choices seem to be here to eat you alive! It is a bad thing, because it messes with your mind, and can corrupt the love that you have for people who love you, because you envy them!

I commend Kelly for doing this song.... this is some real stuff.

But you know what?! Once you stop feeling sorry for yourself, the tables will TURN. Once you see that life has its ups and downs for everyone, and that you will survive, you can come out if this mess.  sometimes we fail, because we are trying to be like others, or be who others think we should be. Once you become you, you will begin to SOAR. You will RISE!! 

 Take responsibility for your life choices..... and .... Just Be you LUV!

As always. . . .


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