Monday, August 26, 2013


There are some of us, that cannot believe that we do not have that loving relationship with a significant other that we desire. Well let me ask you this? Why can you not believe it? Now of course this is a rhetorical question for some, but for other's you really need to ask yourself this question, and reallybe honest with yourself.

We believe that we are kind, and loving, and generous, and we would just make a wonderful mate! Believe me, I think that way of myself as well..... but let me challenge you. Let's be honest, a lot of us still have work to do, some of us have quick temper's, we don't want to take other's advice or suggestions, we are overly sensitive, and we don't want people touching our things..... if this is the case, these are not good makings to share with someone else.

When you are with someone you love, you will need patience, they will make you angry, you will need to share, and be happy to share, you need to be able to forgive, because your mate will do something that demands forgiveness, you will need WISDOM to guide you.

Loving someone simply is not enough. You must achieve these virtues. I know that most people see that I am funny, caring, compassionate, but I am also stubborn, opinionated, and sometimes I will cut things too quickly.(I'm changing) These are things that have to be worked on, before bringing someone into my intimate space.... sometimes we believe that people should just accept us no matter what we do, and how we act.

 NOOOO. .. 

We have to mature in our thinking.(smile) If you believe from a "Spiritual" perspective then understand that God is waiting for you to mature , so you will know how to treat your Mate, before he or she gets there.  So work on you, I bet there are things that you can streamline, and if you know what I know. . . .THEN THAT PERSON WILL SEE YOU!

I hope this helps you. . . .

As always. . .!

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