Wednesday, July 31, 2013



So everyone, it is HUMP DAY! I hope that you are enjoying your work day, or off day, or "whatever" day it is for you!(Smile).

You know, I have a ritual before I come and speak to you, and usually it involves picking out some music(I love music). It set's the tone for my writing, and once I find the perfect song. . .WALAH! So right now I am listening to "Champagne Life" by Neyo. For those of you who know it, you know that  the melodies are sweet, and  the grooves are infectious...yes!

So, I thought to myself, today I wanted to remind you of how Sweet and infectious you are! There is someone out there who thinks of you that way,whether it's someone you are married to, dating, seeing,  or friends with, heck even yourself!

I am currently single, but I think I am sweeter than a SUGAR CANE. 

If I don't think so...why should I expect anyone else to think so?! LOL

So today,  I want you to look in the mirror and remind yourself that you are the "ONE" you've been longing for, that you are the SH**! You are the WHOLE BAG OF CHIPS. . .when you begin to see yourself that way, people will see you that way, talk to you that way, they won't be able to get enough of you.  Not in an arrogant way of course, but see yourself the Way God intended you to be seen. There was confidence when he handcrafted you, and I believe that he made us with such precision, and such care!


I  have the biggest smile on my face when speaking with you right now, because I know you get it!

You know that you have been downplaying who you are. Don't do that anymore Luv. You were made to shine, and I want you to SHINE BABY! You are beautiful just the way you are. We all have room for change , but don't be so hard on yourself. Make the changes you need to make, but love yourself!

It's something about you that speaks to me, it makes me want to get to know you more.


Well... I have to get back to editing a script(argh) so enjoy your day and I will talk to ya later!

As always. . . .


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