Wednesday, July 24, 2013



Let me say this. . . I know that you may not be getting the support from others right now, and that may be for several reasons. It could be that they are too close to the situation to see what you see. There may be jealousy, there may even be some serious HATE...but know this... IT DOESNT MATTER!

You have to spend countless hours working on your dream, breathing life into it, nurturing it, loving it, desiring it. You may have to do it alone in the beginning. I am talking to you because I understand your heart, and how you may feel misunderstood, or even isolated. But nothing on this planet didn't first start with a dream and a dreamer...... 
You may feel like the ODD MAN out! But just know his, they may laugh at you now, but just keep going. Keep studying, keep creating, get around the right people, and when it is time your will come to light!

Don't worry about failure, because you will fail here and there, but that is how you learn, how you will tweek your work. People will come and go with their support, but know that you are not alone. I understand. . . . 
Keep growing.... keep going!!!!
as always. . . .

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