Wednesday, July 17, 2013

TEN SIGNS TO KNOW HE REALLY CARES.......The Inspirational Corner with Inspirational Beauty


(1) He talks to you about what interests YOU. . . (He just enjoys seeing you smile, and wants to be in your company)


(2)He listens to you, and lets you have your own opinion.(He doesn't care about if you're right or not, he enjoys the exchange)


(3) He compliments you on how you support "HIM", and how you're there for "HIM"(Not compliment your physical Beauty, any man can do that, and any man will, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE)


(4) He shares the events of his day with you.(Whether good or bad, it shows he trusts you with his feelings, and Men have a trusted few who will see this side of him )


(5) He trust you with HIS MONEY(This is a big one ladies. . . don't take this lightly....Men, hold their money very dear, so if he allows you to hold it,or make decisions with it , you could very well be the one!)


(6) His family and his coworkers and friends know exactly who you are.(He wants everyone to know he loves you!)


(7) He prays with you, and for you.(He is showing you the vulnerable side of him, he's allowing you to see where he gets his strength from, and if he get on his knees,. . . .then girl follow him!. .. .LOL!! )


(8) He enjoys making you SMILE!(He loves when you're happy, and wants to make you happy)


(9)He "ASKS" for YOUR opinion, and takes your suggestions.


(He respects your intelligence, and sees you are an asset, and even a partner)


Last but certainly not least. . . . .


10)He celebrates your accomplishments with you. He's happy because you are. . . and he he hurts when you hurt.


(He loves you on a spiritual level, where there is no ego, he loves you unconditionally!)


So ladies, if your guy meets the things on this list. . .you have a keeper, and if he doesn't meet all, see what's most important to you, and do away with the ones that don't concern you. 


The reason I wanted to share this is because some of us think that if he spends a lot of money on us, or if he buys us gifts all the time, that he is a good Man. . . .


Well the True Measure of a Man, is how he treats those he loves, by loving, caring, and supporting .


Like always . . . love you guys. . . .

From the inside out-Inspirational Beauty


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