Friday, August 30, 2013


Happy Thursday LUV'S!

Wow. . .It is a beautiful sunny morning... and It's my Mom and Dad's Anniversary today. . .it is amazing to still see people together, and sharing their lives together. God is good! Maybe that's why I still believe in love. . . .I'm such a LOVE BUG!

But today I wanted to share with you something that I was afraid of years ago, and sometimes still am... I am so outgoing, and can have a conversation with anyone, and can talk about anything, but I was afraid to LOVE AND BE LOVED!(smile). Now don't get me wrong, I have been in relationships, and have been in love, but looking back, I never fully let myself GO!

 I hate to say that, especially to those I shared my life with, but what I mean is this: I was afraid that I would lose control, and no longer be myself. So with that being an issue, I never fully gave myself, and that is not fair, especially when there was no reason for it. I HAD BUILT THIS FEAR IN MY OWN HEAD!

So how do we move on from this? A good friendof mine has a Blog, and she discusses relationships as well., and +TAQUILA poses the question's of how does relationships change us? Do we get lost in them? That struck a nerve when I read that question, and I realized I was holding back, and it had nothing to do with my relationships at all. I finally got it, I saw Women in my inner circle sometimes lose themselves, they stopped doing what they loved to do, they lost that spark in their eyes, but they would say THEY WERE IN LOVE! What? I didn't want that if it meant I would lose my LIGHT!

But I was young, immature, and unwise to the ways of the world(LOL).... So I want to tell you today, don't be afraid to LOVE, don't be FEARFUL of ANYTHING GOOD! It is your mind playing Devil's advocate, and you deserve Love, Kindness, Prosperity, Health, and Good friends. Don't shy away from those things. that's what makes life worth living.

Now at the age of 40(Will be 41 tomorrow) I know to give my all, and let the chips fall where they may. God has my back, and  I am good with that, so pursue LOVE AND LIFE!

It is waiting on you. . .and so am I!

As always. . . .

Love  you guys from the inside out!

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