Saturday, July 20, 2013

Problems tell me you are about to birth greatnes!! The Inspirational Corner with Inspirational Beauty!

  1. Sis. . . .

    Some of you are experiencing motherhood for the first time, and some of you are already Mother's, so you understand the gift that you have been given. You Ladies understand through certain times of your pregnancy you experience different feelings and emotions. Your body goes through different changes.Your mental state is also being altered because of hormonal changes.

    As you get closer and closer to delivery, your body turns on you, and starts to contract, and now the very thing that is a gift, begins to pain you and hurt you. At that moment you just want it OUT!!!!

    When it is time, you give everything you got, and you, your baby, and God brings forth life!

    YES. .. .

    Sis, you are birthing right now...if you are tired, and life's challenges are coming closer and closer, you are just contracting! You are close to delivery...your gift is turning inside of you, getting restless! So get in the birthing position...bear down, and get ready to give life to your dreams, to your finance, to your love life.......

    Congratulations. . .You have a new healthy life!

    As always. . .

    Please subscribe and follow the Inspirational Corner for more inspiration

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